I need a hotel near the Mayo Clinic as I will be a patient there in April. Has anyone stayed there and give me your opinions. Also what is the tax rate on the hotel bill. I saw an average nightly rate of $90
and wanted to know the total cost as well as any other fees.
Holiday Inn Express City center
We have not stayed there but in general the Holiday Inn Express locations have stayed at have always been OK. I%26#39;m a little suspicious of the ';average'; $90 rate. The Rochester lodging site does say $90 and up and at their booking site the average is closer to $99. The location is very convenient though and on the ';subway'; (walking tunnels udnerground) that connects everything downtown. When staying downtown we%26#39;ve usually used the Kahler Executive Inn but given that their rate has gone up and quality down we would definitely consider the HI-Exp.
In addition to the room rate expect to add sales tax of about 6.5% for the state and .5% for the city and a lodging ';room tax'; of 4%...so a total of 11% in taxes. If you will have a car it will cost $10 per night to park in the city parking ramp across the street.
Another thing to be aware of is where exactly at the clinic you need to be near. Many surgical procedures are done at St. Mary%26#39;s Hospital which is not right downtown. But most all of the outpatient visits are at the clinic proper in the Mayo or Gonda buildings or nearby.
For outpatient visits we usually stay at the GuestHouse International Inn (formerly Travelodge). Not at all fancy but clean and OK. The last time we went I think we paid $70 or so (same taxes as above). Parking is free and like most all hotels in Rochester there is free shuttle service to all the Mayo locations.
Holiday Inn Express City center
A fair number of moons ago, I stayed at HI Express City Center. This hotel previously was a full service Holiday Inn hotel and decided to go to the more limited service HI Express chain. From what I remember, the hotel had slightly outdated furniture/decor (though this was a few years ago), but otherwise was clean and reasonably comfortable.
I remember the location to be convenient to downtown, though I only spent a night there, so can%26#39;t comment too much on its location to other items in Rochester.
Note Holiday Inn and HI Express are currently undergoing extensive renovations chainwide as they implement new requirements to be a Holiday Inn Hotel. I have no idea what state this hotel is in regarding required updates to be a Holiday Inn, but they may also be part of the ';Holiday Inn Revolution'; (my wording, not HI%26#39;s).
The rate, at first blush, doesn%26#39;t seem horribly out of line, though I have limited comparison for the Rochester market. Given location and free breakfast, I probably wouldn%26#39;t feel terribly ripped off (and you do get Priority Club points, if you%26#39;re a member).
By the way, taxes...11% seems about right. MN always has regular sales tax on hotel rooms by law, and most cities impose a ';hotel sales tax'; since visitors can%26#39;t vote against city council members that pass such hotel taxes, so they%26#39;re easy taxes for city councils to pass.
I also considered The Kahler Inn %26amp; Suites due to it%26#39;s location. The room price seems close to the HI.
Any opinions would be very helpful.
Know much less about Kahler...location is very convenient. Hotel itself is an older, historic property. Typically, of course, that goes one of two ways: either a hotel that ends up being very unique due to its older, historic nature that cookie-cutter chain hotels can%26#39;t match or simply old and rundown. Unfortunately, I can%26#39;t tell you which way Kahler is going.
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