Thursday, April 1, 2010

lake cottage around Minneapolis???

My husband and I, plus my mom, are heading up to Minneapolis to see my sister and her husband, who just moved up there almost 2 years ago. We all want to find a nice lake cottage not too far from Minneapolis and we need recommendations. We aren%26#39;t spring chickens so we%26#39;d like to find something with most or all of the bedrooms on one level, if possible. We%26#39;d love access to a boat, if possible. And mom really wants to see the loons!! (the birds, not the crazy people, LOL!) Other pluses would be a jacuzzi and/or pool, but those aren%26#39;t necessary. Really, we%26#39;re looking for a wooded, rustic looking cottage, with lots of character, but we want air conditioning and other modern conveniences too.

Thanks in advance for the recommendations!

Meredith in NC

lake cottage around Minneapolis???

To be honest - best bet might be to place an ad, or post on Craigslist.

Alot of people have cabins, but a drive away from Minneapolis.

Maybe up by Forest Lake ?

lake cottage around Minneapolis???

We don%26#39;t mind if it%26#39;s a bit of a drive away from Minneapolis. If it%26#39;s less than 2 hours away from the city, that%26#39;s fine with us. I%26#39;ve never posted to Craig%26#39;s list. Honestly, I%26#39;m a bit leary of Craig%26#39;s list. There are too many nut cases out there looking to prey on people.

I%26#39;d suggest checking There are many listing for MN lake cabins.

I would second checking out I noticed they had several options outside of the cities.

Here is website with some places listed near the Twin Cities

Nothing ';not too far'; from Minneapolis other than private rentals... prices made lakeshore lots too valuable for resorts.

One not-long-for-this-world option is Mpale Hill lodge on semi-nearby Clearwater Lake in Annandale (between Minneapolis and St. Cloud):

You might also consider house or cabin rentals in Minnesota State Parks (William O%26#39;Brien, Lake Maria, and Wild River are the closest to the metro):


(Note: not many amenities w/these)

While I love the cabins at the state parks and stay in one at least twice a year, I have to chime in that they are probably not a match. For example, the one room cabins at Lake Maria are a 1/2 mile+ hike in, have no running water, an outhouse, no electricity.

DtwnMpls: I don%26#39;t disagree; maybe if things were tight, the option of the guest houses at, say, St. Croix State Park might suffice. Certainly fits the ';wooded, rustic looking [sic]'; part of the OP%26#39;s request.

While not 100% matching what you want, what about the B%26amp;Bs in the area?

Off hand I can think of Excelsior and Stillwater - both have B%26amp;Bs, and both are near water (Excelsior near/on Lake Minnetonka, Stillwater on the river). Both cities are close to Minneapolis (excelsior being closer).

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