Due to travel programs i belong to I can get th e best rate to stay at either the Hilton Garden Inn/Bloomington or the Fairfield Inn/MOA..the Hilton is about 10.00 less per night (stay 2 nigts) but does not have breakfast included. Since the room has fridge/micro so i can easily bring in food. So that aside, knowing that i have a 8yr old and 11yr old, which hotel would be best?? Which hotel would have the nicest pool, rooms and shuttle service?? Can%26#39;t really tell by the web site pictures. Thanks!!
which hotel is best??
Unfortunately, I have not been in either hotel so I can%26#39;t help a lot on specifics. That said, I think the HGI is a newer hotel so rooms may be in better shape. If you are going to MOA, the Fairfield is two blocks away and could theoretically be walked. The HGI is about 5 miles away from MOA, so you would need to drive there.
I hope that offers some help and others can offer other thoughts.
which hotel is best??
A lot would depend on what you plan to do while in Bloomington. The Fairfield is near the mall, walking distance I%26#39;d say.
The Hilton Garden Inn is on the other side of town. About a 10-minute drive. You might call to see if they run a shuttle to the mall, but even then, there%26#39;s something to be said for walking and being on your own schedule.
I have not stayed at either. A friend stayed at Fairfield and said it was nice -- not spectacular but clean and comfortable.
I would take a look at tripadvisor capsules on each, including amenities list and reviews.
I have stayed at both. The Hilton Garden Inn is nicer....but, being you are from out of state I would choose the Fairfield Inn, in that it is right accross the street from MOA. There is a shuttle from the Hilton Garden, but the convenience of the fairfield to MOA can%26#39;t be beat. The Fairfield is a nice hotel.
Nicest pool....toss up, both small
Shuttle...You don%26#39;t need a shuttle at the Fairfield as it is accross the street from the MOA.
The complimentary breakfast and NO shuttle would be enough to persuade me to stay at the Fairfield. The room is not as nice, but you%26#39;ll be spending most of your time at MOA.
I haven%26#39;t stayed at the Fairfield, so this is probably biased, but I love the Hilton Garden Inn. It does have shuttle service to the Mall (complimentary) but my favorite thing is the beds. They are adjustable and so comfortable! We had a family get a way over spring break and stayed there for three nights. The staff was so nice and it was a relaxing, fun mini vacation for us.
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