Thursday, April 1, 2010


As a ';Twin-Citian';, I do not understand the logic in having separate forums for St Paul and Minneapolis. Last I checked, we were called the twin cities of Minnesota......the airport code is MSP, and all that jazz. Is it really necessary to have both, instead of one combined? Food for thought.



I don%26#39;t see the problem. Trip Advisor has a separate forum for all sizable cities and this is no exception. I think there%26#39;s a benefit of keeping separate forums because as similar as we see them because we live here (and have a car) they still are different in their offerings to visitors, who usually can spend time in one or the other because of not having a car or time, etc. Makes the job you and I have of informing visitors easier too, I think. Because we don%26#39;t have to write Minneapolis or St. Paul every time to make sure we%26#39;re not confusing anyone.


I also don%26#39;t see the problem and see it as more of a benefit... I just bookmark the MN forums page and see everything, so it%26#39;s not much difference to me. They%26#39;re both distinct and sometimes folks want one or the other.

mntoathens and creason, I also have both cities bookmarked, but with St. P averaging just 2-3 questions per month, I just can%26#39;t see the logic involved. I refer to them (us) as msp anyway.

Notice the replies were posted on mpls?


Good insights tptr... I personally posted to the Mpls forum because it was already active. The StP item had no replies and I prefer not to support duplicate postings. Also, I don%26#39;t have both cities bookmarked in the forums section, only the MN forum so I catch everything for the state... just a little clarification there.

Minneapolis is the more widely traveled-to destination. The airport is in Minneapolis (or at least on the border, connected by light rail to downtown), three of the four major sports teams play downtown, a livelier downtown in general when you consider night life and restaurants in the area near the hotels, etc.

That%26#39;s not a judgment about St. Paul, a place I work in and lived in for a short time and love. It%26#39;s just that with all the options listed above, that%26#39;s what most people are coming to the area for (and the MOA, which is more accessible from Mpls than SP because of light rail.

All of that makes it a busier forum.

I think it would be a mistake to lump them together. We see them more as a unit than a visitor would. Especially a visitor who will be depending on transit system and taxis.

If TA needs to do anything it would be to further split some popular destinations even beyond the state level...ever notice:

Wyoming...95% of posts are Yellowstone

Florida...high % Disneyworld or Orlando

Nevada...migth as well be just Las Vegas

Montana...Glacier NP

South Dakota...Black Hills

Like nothing else exists in these states.

I like St. Paul being distinct from Minneapolis. How else can we help visitors with roads designed by drunken Irishmen? Thanks Jesse. Disclaimer (Irish but not drunk...lately). ;)

I didn%26#39;t know if a drunken Irishman was responsible, but when I worked downtown SP at the Pioneer Press years ago it always made me wonder how the address of the building is 345 Cedar. And it was between 4th and 5th Streets. Maybe the city planner was drawing up the street plans at Gallivan%26#39;s (now Matty B%26#39;s, sadly)

Not that I%26#39;m any expert on city planning or why St. Paul did their numbering as they did, but here%26#39;s an observation. Many moons ago in another life, I was a courier for a local company. My route was in St. Paul and I was a lifelong Minneapolis boy. Being in Minneapolis, I was used to numbers going by 100%26#39;s per block to correspond to the block you were on (i.e. all numbers between 2500 and 2599 on Lyndale Avenue South were on the block between 25th Street and 26th Street). I learned quickly not so in St. Paul. The numbers just kept going up and up (or down and down) until they ran out of numbers. If that extended for 2 blocks, so be it. I got used to it, of course, but was annoying to me.

Anyway, so my guess for 345 Cedar. Whoever just kept numbering buildings until he/she ran out of numbers...go figure...

The street system in St. Paul helps to keep out the Mpls. riff-raff!

I kid....I kid....

I%26#39;m a destination expert for Minneapolis, but a rarely get over to St. Paul, and don%26#39;t often post replies.

I don%26#39;t specifically go into the separate cities posts, but rather look at all posts for Minnesota.

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