Monday, December 12, 2011

Feeling bad..dont know if we should do our trip...

Well i want to thank all of you for your advise that you gave me..and i really think my plan for seeing the moa and then taking a taxi to the hotel walking distance to the excel center would work great.. However I dont know if we will be able to make it. I purchased ac dc tickets long ago..thinking it would be great to fly there and also see the moa. After i purchased them, i have been watching flights and was shocked to see that to fly non stop from SD to your airport was 600 per person..for a one hour flight! I dont know if i can justify spending that much for a concert and only 2 nights in your city :-(

If i fly with another carrier thru denver and back ..its like 400 each but who wants to fly all over and sit in the denver airport between flights. Im also worried that if i book tickets, the weather might be mad and acdc might cancel or i might not be able to fly there...Im just worried.. and feeling depressed....sorry for rambling..just wanted to thank everyone for their help.

Feeling bad..dont know if we should do our trip...

Excuse me if this is a dumb question, but isn%26#39;t driving an option? A few years ago, I made it from Rapid City to Minneapolis in one (long, boring) day, with only one driver.

Concert%26#39;s on a Monday night. You drive over on Sunday, do MOA and other attractions on Monday, drive back on Tuesday?

Feeling bad..dont know if we should do our trip...

Just some perspective, $400-$600 is not bad for a fare from a remote airport not served by all the majors. If it were me, I%26#39;d take it.

But, driving is an option, especially with low pump prices.


Drive ! Drive ! Drive ! If at all possible...I drive from MSP to Chamberlain 3-4 times a year and if you put in your AC-DC tunes LOUD you will be here before you know it. Just think you can hear live...YOU ..SHOOK ME ALL NIGHT LONG...........!!

Ditto on drive. Even allowing an extra day for possible bad weather the hotel cost, plus gas, would be far less than flying. Smaller airports always cost a lot more. I flew from Seattle to Grand Forks once for a job interview and was able on the return to trade the ticket for one from MSP to SEA and the difference was enough to pay for a car rental down to The Cities and and hotel room so I had several days there for more interviews before flying back.

Five hours drive (give or take a bit) to Sioux Falls and 4-5 more to St. Paul. Having a car would be very handy because there is not nearly as good a connection to Excel Center in St. Paul from MOA as to downtown Mpls. via light rail. Only downside to staying downtown St. Paul owul dbe hotel parking fee. But that would still be less than taxi fare.

Yea we have considered driving but its a 9 hour drive and i just dont know if we want to do that. I wanted to spend sunday at the moa.. I dont want to walk around the moa on monday and then have to stand all night at the concert too(i have nerve damage in my feet). We just drove from here to cedar rapids in september and i guess we arent real excited about doing it again LOL. The drive there wouldnt be so bad, listening to acdc lol..But the one back would really be long especially if we have too much to drink the night before..not that we will but just thinkin ahead LOL. And who knows how the roads will be with the weather....sooo i just dont know what to do :-( I may just have to put my tickets on ebay..Waaahhhh

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